June Highlights


June Cover Art

A high‐performance gradient insert for rapid and short‐T2 imaging at full duty cycleby Markus Weiger, Johan Overweg, Manuela Barbara Rösler, Romain Froidevaux, Franciszek Hennel, Bertram Jakob Wilm, Alexander Penn, Urs Sturzenegger, Wout Schuth, Menno Mathlener, Martino Borgo, Peter Börnert, Christoph Leussler, Roger Luechinger, Benjamin Emanuel Dietrich, Jonas Reber, David Otto Brunner, Thomas Schmid, Laetitia Vionnet, Klaas P. Pruessmann

Learning a variational network for reconstruction of accelerated MRI data, by Kerstin Hammernik, Teresa KlatzerErich KoblerMichael P. RechtDaniel K. SodicksonThomas PockFlorian Knoll

Audioslides for Last Month’s Editor’s Picks:

Steer‐PROP: a GRASE‐PROPELLER sequence with interecho steering gradient pulses, by Girish Srinivasan, Novena Rangwala, and Xiaohong Joe Zhou


Short T2 imaging using a 3D double adiabatic inversion recovery prepared ultrashort echo time cones (3D DIR‐UTE‐Cones) sequence, by Ya‐Jun Ma, Yanchun Zhu, Xing Lu,Michael Carl, Eric Y. Chang, and Jiang Du


New! Reviewer’s Session at ISMRM

Join JMRI Editor-in-Chief Mark Schweitzer and me for a special educational session (no CME credit) during the ISMRM Annual Meeting in Paris:

“Manuscript Reviewing for ISMRM’s Scientific Journals”
Monday, June 18 18:30-19:30

Room W05/W06 at the Conference Center

 New! Invitation to Highlights Celebration in Paris:

The Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Highlights team invites you to an after-party following the ISMRM Closing ceremony. The event will take place on a boat in the Seine River (www.nixnox.fr) on Thursday night (June 21), from 9pm until 2am (15-minute walk from the closing party). Meet researchers behind the third annual edition of the Highlights magazine, and experience the unique atmosphere of the Paris Fête de la Musique (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%AAte_de_la_Musique) on the docks of the Seine!

Online Platform Migration to Literatum for our Journal Homepage

Recently our publisher Wiley introduced a new, streamlined appearance for our journal Homepage.  It’s based on a new platform called Literatum. It offers lighter, cleaner design, and features an article-focused layout and increased whitespace to improve legibility. A large amount of content was migrated during the changeover, which has gone relatively smoothly. If you notice a problem, please feel free to email mrm@ismrm.org.

Accelerated Publication Schedule in 2018:

To help meet the increased number of articles submissions (a record high of 1070 in 2017), we are publishing extra-large issues (~600 pages) for January-April 2018, and also paginating issues several months in advance. These changes are expected to significantly reduce delays authors have experienced receiving final volume/issue/page numbers for their articles.

Mobile Apps

Apps are available for both Apple and Android devices. To download the appropriate app, please search for words like “Wiley” and “MRM” at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Now Accepting YIA submissions for the 2019 ISMRM Annual Meeting in Montreal

Our ManuscriptCentral/ScholarOne site is open for manuscript submissions in conjunction with the 2019 I.I. Rabi Award to be awarded at the ISMRM Annual Meeting in Montreal. The submission deadline of 12 September 2018.  For more information about the YIA competition, please visit:  https://www.ismrm.org/YIA/ .

OnlineOpen 25% Discount for ISMRM Members

Magn Reson Med is very pleased to continue to offer its standard publication option: No page charges, including color pages in print.

Some authors, institutions, or funding agencies however, prefer or require papers to be freely and immediately available for download by anyone, regardless of their subscription status, i.e., Open Access. For those authors, Wiley offers an author-paid publication option called OnlineOpen. This option is only available for accepted papers, so if an author makes this choice it has absolutely no bearing on the peer-review process or any editorial decision.

We are pleased that our publisher is offering ISMRM Members a 25% discount on OnlineOpen fees for their Magn Reson Med papers. The author applying for the discount must be a current ISMRM Member. More information is available by clicking on the OnlineOpen link on the Magn Reson Med homepage.

Full Issue PDFs

Full Issue PDFs are now available for download.  Please follow the link available at the journal home page:

You will be prompted for your ISMRM login information.

Matt A. Bernstein

Editor, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT)