2018 is quickly coming to an end, and with it the first half of my time as your ISMRM President. A lot has happened in just a few months, as I have mentioned in my previous letters. Winter has not produced any snow in the south of Sweden yet, but I am sure it will come sooner or later. Maybe it will be as last winter when the snow came in February, to everybody’s irritation. My son Alexander said when the snow fell, “What is the point! It is two months too late.” Luckily for me the snow did not last long, and I could continue to bicycle to the bus station to take the bus to work in Lund.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you all in Montreal in May 2019. I hope you bring your students, radiographers and colleagues with you for the best ISMRM meeting ever. The program is excellent, and the scientific sessions will be put in place for our annual meeting at the planning committee (AMPC) meeting in mid-January.
Until we meet,