Singapore 2024: 2024 is Here!


Singapore 2024: 2024 is Here!

2024 is here—Happy New Year! The Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) just gathered for 2.5 very busy days in San Francisco to sort all of the incredible abstracts that were submitted. It is intense work, as our research is diverse but highly interconnected—precisely what makes ISMRM so great! The energy of the program committee is absolutely tremendous, and with the guidance of our Central Office staff, I know we will all appreciate the outstanding program they have developed for you in May. The AMPC is also already planning the 2025 Honolulu meeting led by Kei Yamada (Program Chair) and Katy Keenan (Education Chair). Back to Singapore 2024: the meeting will accept over 5,000 scientific abstracts for 9-min Oral Presentations, ever-popular Power Pitches, redesigned Digital Posters, and Traditional (print) Posters.

The amazing Annual Meeting Program Committee takes a brief photo break!

We know you are eagerly awaiting the results, and we hope to have this to you very soon! Please note that we are asking all Oral Session presenters to accept the invitation to present so that we may fill your slot if you or your co-author/s are unable to present.

While you are waiting for abstract and member-initiated-session results, please consider the TWO challenges at ISMRM described below, both of which accept late-breaking work.

The AMPC deep in thought.

There is still time to be part of “Repeat It with Me: Reproducibility Team Challenge,” which started in London 2022 and is being “repeated” from 2023! The challenge aims to raise awareness about the importance of reproducible science, and as we said in Toronto, “Let’s add an extra R in ISMRM!” To participate, you should go to the Reproducibility Challenge Website and fill out the pre-registration form before 28 February. The end-of-study deadline will be 10 April.

The Clinical Translation: Unmet Needs Challenge aims to improve how we communicate specific clinical problems so that others can invent, develop, and validate solutions. Based on member submissions, seven Unmet Needs have been posted in areas of bladder wall invasion, Parkinson’s disease, muscle fibrosis, central nervous system lactate, amyloid tau proteins, and gastrointestinal motility. We will accept either late-breaking abstracts or updates to submitted abstracts that address the needs until 13 March. Additionally, a short form will be required for participation in the challenge. All details at the Unmet Needs Challenge Website.

Just double-checking!

In the next blogs, I will discuss what to expect from different presentation types in 2024 and how to get the most out of your presentation experience!

Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D.
2024 Annual Meeting Program Chair