Singapore 2024: Oral Presentations


Singapore 2024: Oral Presentations

Less than a month away! As you can see, the program is looking very complete, and I know you are all working on your posters and presentations. The upload site for the new digital posters is open; please upload these in advance of arriving in Singapore to be sure they work. In this blog, I will go over what to expect for the oral presentations.

We return to the 9-minute oral presentation with 3 minutes for questions, and with 10 presentation slots in a 2-hour session. We are trying a variant of combined educational scientific sessions: in many oral sessions, a short introduction will fit within the first 12-minute slot. In others, the final 12-minute slot will be replaced by a guided discussion led by the moderators. Some sessions will have both! These variations are to increase interaction and make the sessions more accessible to attendees with varying expertise.

As you prepare presentations, please think about presenting to a broad audience: one extra high-level background slide or critical discussion of limitations or applications can put your work in context for many more attendees. Try to make 25% of your presentation accessible to everyone. Furthermore, at the Suntec Convention Centre, the ceilings in many rooms are low, meaning smaller screens than usual. This is not the year to crowd your slides—consider trying a style with simpler slides, larger fonts, and fewer images at a time. Simultaneous multislice R=8 is great for image acceleration, but not for slides.

The AMPC have selected “AMPC Highlights.” This year, there are 72 abstracts presented as traditional posters in addition to their Oral or Power Pitch format, so you can browse these all week as in 2023.

What is the weather like in Singapore? Low of 25°C/77°F and high of 32°C/90°F, with a chance of rain and 85% humidity … just about every day! Plan to pack light or loose-fitting clothing (short sleeves, cottons, linens), and many of you can consider leaving the ties and scarves behind. The buildings are air conditioned, so if your walk is short, you’ll be fine. If you are further away, be prepared that you’ll get a bit hot on your walk. The MTA (mass rapid transit) is a great option to consider and explore for longer trips. While we would love to see Star Wars fans dress up on May-the-Fourth, your Darth Vader costume may not be the most practical!!

Our amazing staff in the ISMRM Central Office are working extremely hard on the final touches for the meeting. I’ll be back one more time to go over ways to best navigate the meeting itself. For now, please double check your flights and visa requirements.

Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D.
2024 Annual Meeting Program Chair