Singapore 2024: Navigating the Meeting (updated!)


Singapore 2024: Navigating the Meeting (updated 03 May)

The program is ready! As of Friday 19 April, you can see all the abstracts together with the educational, plenary, and special sessions. How do you decide what to look at first and make sure you get to as many interesting sessions as you can? This blog is all about navigating the program. (Note: we often add features – we may update this blog!)

NEW! We also have a 2-minute video to get you started with the tools.

Get to know the Program-at-a-Glance, the quick and complete guide to the meeting! Filter by topics of interest, or quickly jump to different days and times to see the different sessions. You can directly add sessions (red arrow) or individual abstract presentations (blue arrow) with time and location to your device’s calendar. The calendar event notes will link (yellow arrow) back to the session or abstract page. Most calendars will let you list all events – a nice record to go back to later.

The Itinerary Builder will function as in prior years—you can build your personalized itinerary and modify it as you go. You can export snapshots to your calendar any time, though those won’t update automatically if you make changes.

Every abstract has what we call a teaser page, which has the title, authors, and impact, but also links to the abstract, session, and (if applicable) digital poster. Similar teasers will be shown on “poster kiosk” screens at the end of each row of digital posters to preview the sessions.

Second, soon you can download the PDF program, proceedings, and poster guides at the meeting site —these will make for great reading in case you have limited internet on the long flight to Singapore!

Third, there are often non-obvious connections between sessions based on content. We have added “Similar Sessions” links at the bottom of the session pages to help you find these (examples here for Image Reconstruction and Application of AI to Clinical Neuroradiology).

Okay, but we know you really want search! We have you covered. All options will return abstract numbers that link directly to the program.

NEW! Quick Search: As in 2022-23, a quick text search will allow you to see abstracts based on search of titles, authors, categories, keywords, and synopses, thanks to Daniel Gomez, Ph.D.

Search Everything and Advanced Search: Let you filter to specific search fields, including what is on for the day.

NEW! Generative AI-Powered Query: Yes, this is 2024, everyone! It is time to try using an AI assistant for the perfect task of “Can you help me decide what to attend?” Thanks to Andrew Dupuis, PhD and Mark Griswold PhD for providing three options for you to explore.

Daily Dashboard: During the meeting, the main website will have a meeting dashboard, with the major highlights for the day and direct link to the program—a great starting point!

Enjoy browsing the program and planning the best week of the year! If you are joining virtually, all plenary, oral, and power pitch sessions will be streamed live with a chat area so you can contribute to discussions. If you are there in person, I look forward to seeing you – have safe travels!

Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D.
2024 Annual Meeting Program Chair

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H. Harry Hu
11 months ago

Thank you Brian for putting this awesome program together.