Let the physics echo in you!
Come to understand MRI principles from nuclear spins to image formation and appreciate the versatility of MR image contrast. Learn how to design you own sequences and push the boundaries of MRI research! Educational session on Physics for Physicists, Saturday @8am, Room N02
Navigating the Paris Meeting
Use the mobile app for quick access, the searchable proceedings, and the program at a glance for a schedule view. Continuous discussions happen on Slack and Twitter. All information is on the main meeting page.

MRM Highlights Magazine
MRM Highlights, now part of MR pulse, has produced a free hard-copy magazine sponsored by Wiley, available for pickup at registration!

Wish You Were Here!
Note that all presentations from the Plenary Hall will be live-streamed free, and that all presentations are recorded for access by paid attendees. Visit the Program-at-a-Glance and click on the plenary sessions for more info.
Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday
Video #1: Using a Dalmatian’s white coat metaphor, Gesine Knobloch explains the potential to use two contrasts agents to make visible small lesion in a human liver.
Video#2: A sneak peek at Lydia Le Page’s work aiming for a better understanding of brain inflammation while scanning a mice model of inflammation

It's all about Resonances!
Understand the magnetic properties of biological tissues, how resonance frequencies are tightly linked to their molecular signature and how you can measure them. Educational session on Probing Biomolecules: Magnetic Susceptibility & CEST/MT, Sunday @13:15, Room N01
Early birds? Sunrise educational sessions start tomorrow, Monday at 7am!
Various topics will be covered every morning including cutting-edge techniques for faster clinical imaging, application of molecular imaging, make-your-own-MR-hardware-and-software as well as Neuro, Cardiac, MSK and Body applications. (Meeting Rooms)
Opening and Welcome
ISMRM President Dan Sodickson has led outstanding efforts forming the new Strategic Plan, highlighting our societies’ roles in a changing world. ESMRMB President Eric Achten offers updates on the European society.

Mansfield Lecture: Dr. Petra Huppi
Dr. Petra Huppi will present “How Early Life Events Shape Our Brains: An MRI Perspective” at 5:30 pm in the Plenary Hall. Sir Peter Mansfield’s seminal contributions have led to ongoing imaging acceleration that is allowing MRI to characterize the brain earlier and earlier in life. Dr. Huppi will discuss how MRI is helping our understanding of how events during key early periods in life affect our cognitive and emotional development. The understanding is leading to new ideas for treatment of neurodevelopment disorders.

Navigating the Paris Meeting
Use the mobile app for quick access, the searchable proceedings, and the program at a glance for a schedule view. Continuous discussions happen on Slack and Twitter. All information is on the main meeting page.
Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday
Video#3: Sophie Schauman explains the importance to speed up MRI acquisition time while having richer images and highlights her first step to make it happen using compressed sensing.
Video #4: The MR community is in dire need of faster, more accurate and flexible image. Nadine Graedel unravel the potential use of a model forecasting the gradient’s behaviour in order to make it happen.
ESMRMB Fellowship, ISMRM Gold Medal and Fellow Awards
The Gold Medal is ISMRM’s highest honor, awarded for pioneering scientific contributions to magnetic resonance in medicine and biology. Junior Fellows receive mentoring from Senior Fellows, and observe an ISMRM committee. Senior Fellows are named for substantial contributions to the society and the field.
Awards are streamed live! Follow the link in the Program at a Glance

Plenary Session on Cardiovascular Imaging: From Structure to Function
We’ll hear from Dr. Kwong about characterizing the tissue of the human heart, from Dr. Uribe Arancibia on novel ways to measure cardiac function, and all about the clinical impact from Dr. Fontana.
Plenaries are streamed live! Follow the link in the Program at a Glance
Member Initiated Symposium: Safety & Efficacy of Contrast Agents: State of the Art, Future Directions, & Alternative Approaches
Proposed by the Molecular & Cellular Imaging study group, this session will examine the Safety & Efficacy of three Contrast Agents: 1) Gd-based contrast gents; 2) iron and other paramagnetic contrast agents; and 3) metal-free alternatives. 4:15-6:15pm in N01.
Come and hear from the editors about how to be a great reviewer for journals, 18:30-19:30 in W05/W06
Is ASL ready to replace Contrast-Agent perfusion methods in the clinic?
Don’t miss the open debate and make your own opinion. Sunrise educational session, Monday @ 7am, Room N03.
Don’t be afraid of spins!
Educational sessions on MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians will be running every evening session, Room S01. Basic principles of MR physics will be covered with non-mathematical presentations suitable for clinicians and physicists new to the field.
What’s the value of MRI? Shall we image less or image more?
What’s the value of MRI? Shall we image less or image more? Shall we move towards faster cost-effective protocols? Can we create new value and address unmet clinical needs? These questions are part of the MR value initiative previously launched by the ISMRM and continued this year. Don’t miss several Educational (M-07 & W-07) and Combined Educational & Scientific sessions (W-08) as well as Thursday morning Plenary.
Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday
Video#5: The importance to measure brain oxygen using an MRI magnet by Caitlin O’ Brien.
Video #6: A wireless coil as an alternative to standard cable-connected receive coils in clinical radiological settings by Alena Shchelokova.
NIBIB New Horizons Lecture
Dr. Miki Lustig will present “The Challenging Path Towards Pediatric MRI Without Anesthesia” at 10:45 in the Plenary Hall (watch the live stream here!). The hustle and bustle normally present in MR control rooms becomes especially focused and quiet whenever the pediatric anesthesia team is present to monitor children in MR scanners. Miki Lustig surveys specialty hardware, sequences and reconstructions to accelerate MR to ultimately avoid anesthesia.
Plenary Session: Challenging the Assumptions of MRI
Current MRI technology enables acquisitions that violate some basic assumptions, with many implications. With Dr. Maxim Zaitsev, we ask if common MR dogmas are based on tradition or solid fact. Dr. Bram van Ginneken describes evolution of image interpretation by computers. Dr. Mariya Doneva points out insufficiencies of, and extensions of the Fourier model. Finally, Dr. Kai Tobias Block considers solutions for technique integration and open development. Watch the live stream here!
Member Initiated Symposium: The Future of Cardiac MRI
The proposed symposium will critically review the technical developments that have significantly improved the clinical usage of cardiac MRI during the last decade and will offer an overview of the cutting-edge research developments that could be game-changers in propelling the broad clinical adoption of cardiac MRI as the preferred imaging modality for multiple cardiac pathologies.
More info…
Secret Sessions
Big Science: Come and learn about advantages and potential conflicts of collaborative science! – Tuesday @8:15AM
From ideas to start-ups: Let’s look at some success stories of connecting being a scientist and entrepreneur from a panel of experts! – Tuesday @1:45PM
Mentor Speed-Dating: Come and learn what it is to be a good mentee and how to identify and approach suitable mentors – Tuesday @4:15PM
2018 ISMRM Research Exchange Grant Awardees
Join us in congratulating this year’s ISMRM Research Exchange Grant Program awardees who each won US$5000 to foster collaboration within the ISMRM.
Carlos Milovic, Ph.D. – Multiscale Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
- Home Mentor Christian Tejos (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
- Host Mentor Christian Langkammer (Neuroimaging Research Unit, Medical Univ. of Graz, Austria)
Alena Schelokova, Ph.D. – Body array coil based on novel materials for ultra-high field MRI
- Home Mentor Pavel Belov (Saint Petersburg National Research University, Russia Federation)
- Host Mentor Andrew Webb (Department of Radiology, Leiden Univ. Medical Center, Netherlands)
Sila Genc, Ph.D. – Microstructural imaging of childhood brain development at 300mT/m
- Home Mentor Marc Seal (The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia)
- Host Mentor Derek Jones (CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK)
Milou Straathof, Ph.D. – Excitation and inhibition; the Yin and Yang of functional brain connectivity?
- Home Mentor Rick Dijkhuizen (Center for Image Sciences, U. Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Host Mentor Robin de Graaf (MR Research Center, Yale University, New Haven CT, USA)
Sunrise educational sessions on diffusion MRI start Tuesday @ 7am
Tractography-based neurosurgical targeting, DTI outside the brain, and benefits and challenges of diffusion MRI at UHF will be covered throughout the rest of week. Don’t miss it every morning at 7am, Room N03.
Want to buy a brand new Ultra-High Field MRI human scanner?
The educational session Primer for UHF MRI is made for you! Practical information and guidance for brain and body imaging will be given by recognized experts of the field.Tuesday @ 13:45, Room N02.

Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday
Video #7: Ben Tendler exposes the importance of understanding how sites of neurons can provide rich sets of MR signals
Video#8: On the quest for new MRI biomarkers to improve Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, a magnetic moment video by Marco Palombo
Presidential Lecture
Dr. Curt Rice will present “When the Right Thing to Do is Also the Smart Thing to Do: Research on Diversity in Research Organizations”. Dr. Rice is Rector ( President) of the Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences. After growing up in the magnetic field of the Mayo MRI scanners in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, he is now playing a leadership position in developing and communicating evidence-based research on the implementation and derived benefits brought by inclusion and diversity. The ISMRM is pleased to provide a discussion from a leader advising institutions from universities to the Nobel Foundation.

Plenary Session: Point-of-Care Diagnostics: MR’s Friend or Foe?
We will revisit our current healthcare delivery system and technology development pipeline from the perspective of “Point-of-Care” (POC) diagnostics. Dr. Nimmi Ramanujam will highlight how cancer prevention platforms can be made more accessible and the toxicity of conventional cancer treatments reduced via POC approaches; Dr. Steven Schiff will describe how access to brain imaging can be dramatically increased in developing economies using low-field MRI; and Dr. Edwin van Beek will introduce novel ways for improving the efficiency and clinical value of MRI in our changing healthcare landscape.
RESONATE: A Discussion on Social Biases Within ISMRM
Science undeniably evolves through collaboration, transparency and inclusiveness. Please join in an inaugural community-wide action-driven symposium aimed at fostering ongoing dialogue on ways to mitigate bias and increase inclusiveness in ISMRM.

Need an X-otic break?
Need an X-otic break? Non-proton imaging and spectroscopy can provide additional information that is not available with proton MRI and open new doors to assess body metabolism and physiology. Learn how at the Educational Session on Multinuclear Imaging & Spectroscopy: Methods & Applications. Wednesday @ 8:15am, Room S03.

Let's get into human learning!
Let’s get into human learning! Don’t miss the Combined Educational & Scientific session on Machine Learning for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Wednesday @ 13:45, Room N01. The session will address topics including regression and classification, model selection as well as performance evaluation procedures.

Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday
Video #9: Jingjing Xu’s research tackles the crucial role of human hippocampus into the memory circuitry.
Video #10: Brain images are complex and composed of many parts, like symphonies. Agah Karakuzu and Tanguy Duval help doctors and scientists tease out the instruments in the symphony and figure out if your brain is in tune.
This is the final day of the meeting! Enjoy your remaining time in Paris!
Plenary Session: High-End MRI: Added Value vs. Added Science
As we face exorbitant health care costs and ever decreasing research funding we will look at the positive impact of advancements in MRI on basic science and clinical care. Dr. Trattnig will focus on how high field strength (7 T) will improve the healthcare system, while Dr. Jezzard will address how MR contributes to fundamental science. Finally, Dr. Tempany-Afdhal will present a case study to examine how MR-guided intervention has reshaped prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Young Investigator Awards Presentation
Who won the Young Investigator Awards this year? The I. I. Rabi and W. S. Moore awards will be presented prior to the Lauterbur Lecture. 17:45 in the Plenary Hall.
Special Session: Highlights of the Joint Meeting
Five short presentations of specially-selected abstracts from the scientific program.
Lauterbur Lecture
Dr. Gary Glover will present “MRI in Yon Times of Yore” at 6:00 pm in the Plenary Hall. Paul Lauterbur’s seminal contributions inspired numerous new means of encoding MR signals. But back in the early days of MRI, compressed sensing and deep learning algorithms weren’t available to solve problems. Dr. Glover will be presenting the intuitive approaches that he and others used to circumvent imaging pitfalls from eddy currents, respiration, blood flow, “ditzels”, and the limited hardware of the day.
Closing Party
Enjoy a timeless getaway during the #ParisMR18 closing party. The event will take place in the beautiful Pavillons de Bercy-Musée des arts forains at 19:30. Buses to the closing party can be found at the entrance to Pavillon 7 immediately following the final plenary presentation at 18:45.
Relax! And feel free to move.
Come to the Combined Educational & Scientific Session to discover the most current hardware and software solutions for handling motion in MRI. Thursday @ 8am, Room S01.

Are you fed up with artifacts?
Come participate in the MRI Artifact Game Show! Learn about common MR artifacts and how to avoid them in a light-hearted game show setting. Educational Sesion on Thursday @ 15:30, Room S02.
Come cheer for your fellow scientists in the inaugural Magnetic Moments live competition! Featuring a panel of “celebrity” judges from the public, this session will crown the 2018 Public Engagement Champion, with additional prizes for the Outreach Guru, People’s Choice, and Master of Simplicity. – Thursday @15:15PM in the Resonarium!
In the meantime, watch a playlist of all ten finalists’ videos:
The Paris ISMRM-ESMRMB Daily Features is brought to you by the ISMRM WEB committee, and numerous contributors including Agâh Karakuzu (Layout Design), Wally Block, Olivier Girard, Jessica McKay, Atef Badji, Elena Kleban, Pinar Ozbay, Adrienne Campbell-Washburn, Sally Moran, John Celio, and Brian Hargreaves.