The Daily Features offers a brief guide to the Paris Meeting, with science, education and program highlights combined with news updates. Check back every day!

Welcome to Paris!

The Annual Meeting Program Committee has worked hard over the last 18 months to put together the most comprehensive set of educational courses, scientific sessions and platform presentations in the field of MR. Enjoy!

Don’t Miss Today…

From the Education Chair, John Port...

For American MDs... SAMS

Saturdays’s SAM sessions: MR for Neuropsychiatric Disorders (afternoon), Body MRI: Realities & Controversies (morning), and Advanced Clinical MR Imaging in MSK (morning and afternoon). Check them out!

Data Zero to Stats Hero

Get prepared for the hottest topic of the year with the educational session on Deep Learning, Saturday @ 8am! And if you want more, an educational session on Statistical Analysis follows in the afternoon.

Add to Calendar06/16/18 08:0006/16/18 16:30Europe/ParisDeep Learning and Statistical Analysis N01

Let the physics echo in you!

Come to understand MRI principles from nuclear spins to image formation and appreciate the versatility of MR image contrast. Learn how to design you own sequences and push the boundaries of MRI research! Educational session on Physics for Physicists, Saturday @8am, Room N02

Add to Calendar06/16/18 08:0006/16/18 16:30Europe/ParisPhysics for Physicists N02

Meeting Live & News

Navigating the Paris Meeting

Use the mobile app for quick access, the searchable proceedings, and the program at a glance for a schedule view. Continuous discussions happen on Slack and Twitter. All information is on the  main meeting page.

SMRT Highlights - Award Winners!

SMRT President’s Award winner Rebecca Glarin will present “MREYE – Are You Winking at Me?” (Followed by other awardees)

The SMRT John Kovelski Award for Professional Development was awarded to Hiroyuki Takashima, Ph.D.
for “T2* Relaxation Time with Ultra-short TE Enables to Evaluate in Detail for Degeneration of Intervertebral Discs”

Complete SMRT Program Guide

Add to Calendar06/16/18 13:1506/16/18 14:00Europe/ParisSMRT Award Presenters S06

Secret Sessions are Back!

Content by trainees, for trainees! More details

MRM Highlights Magazine

MRM Highlights, now part of MR pulse, has produced a free hard-copy magazine sponsored by Wiley, available for pickup at registration!

Featured Comments @ISMRM

#ParisMR18 Tweets

Have we created the meeting of your dreams?

We want to know what you think! After each talk and/or session, feel free to tell us what you liked, didn’t like, etc. It is easy with the ISMRM mobile app!

Wish You Were Here!

Note that all presentations from the Plenary Hall will be live-streamed free, and that all presentations are recorded for access by paid attendees. Visit the Program-at-a-Glance and click on the plenary sessions for more info.


5667 Abstracts will be presented:  871 oral, 329 power-pitch, 1804 traditional poster, 2577 e-poster, 69 educational/scientific and 17 educational e-posters.

Magnetic Moments

Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday

Video #1: Using a Dalmatian’s white coat metaphor, Gesine Knobloch explains the potential to use two contrasts agents to make visible small lesion in a human liver.

Video#2: A sneak peek at Lydia Le Page’s work aiming for a better understanding of brain inflammation while scanning a mice model of inflammation

Sunday: From Karla Miller, Program Chair...

Opening Sessions Today! Once you’ve had your fill of educational courses, come to the plenary hall for the opening ceremonies, gold medalists, and the Mansfield Lecture.

Don’t Miss Today…

From the Education Chair, John Port...

For American MDs... SAMS

Sunday’s SAM sessions: Is MR/PET better than MR + PET for the Brain? (afternoon), Prostate MRI, MRI in Pregnancy & Genitourinary (afternoon), Cardiovascular MRI: Vascular (morning), and Cardiac MR: From the Basics to New Horizons (afternoon). Check them out!

Lost in Translation

Up for a debate as old as the ISMRM? The Lost in Translation: Neuroradiologists vs. Physicists session will be a thoughtful battle between radiologists asking physicists why they don’t design techniques that are clinically useful, and physicists asking radiologists why they don’t use their clever and excellent techniques.


Add to Calendar06/17/18 08:0006/17/18 12:00Europe/ParisLost in Translation: Neuroradiologists vs Physicists S03

How much do you know about MR imaging of the placenta?

Come and learn from Dr. Siauve about this exciting and developing new field, including the latest functional imaging technologies in the placenta.
Sunday, 17 June, 15:15-15:37, Room S02

Add to Calendar06/17/18 15:1506/17/18 15:37Europe/Paris S02

Come and learn about our smallest patients.

Fetal imaging is a challenging, quickly evolving field. Come and learn about the diagnosis of fetal anomalies with MR, including the latest developments in the field such as diffusion tensor imaging in utero! Dr. Dighe’s talk promises to be a must see.

Add to Calendar06/17/18 15:3706/17/18 15:59Europe/Paris S02

Take a tour of Prostate MR beyond the usual topics.

Dr. Jelle Barentsz will get things started with a review of guidelines and recommendations, followed by Dr. Jurgen Fütterer on the topic of MRI in prostate cancer recurrance. Dr. Joseph Ippolito will round things off with an overview of PET/MR in prostate cancer.

Add to Calendar06/17/18 13:1506/17/18 14:45Europe/Paris S02

It's all about Resonances!

Understand the magnetic properties of biological tissues, how resonance frequencies are tightly linked to their molecular signature and how you can measure them. Educational session on Probing Biomolecules: Magnetic Susceptibility & CEST/MT, Sunday @13:15, Room N01

Add to Calendar06/17/18 13:1506/17/18 16:45Europe/ParisSusceptibility & CEST/MT N01

Early birds? Sunrise educational sessions start tomorrow, Monday at 7am!

Various topics will be covered every morning including cutting-edge techniques for faster clinical imaging, application of molecular imaging, make-your-own-MR-hardware-and-software as well as Neuro, Cardiac, MSK and Body applications. (Meeting Rooms)

Add to Calendar06/18/18 07:0006/18/18 07:50Europe/ParisMonday Sunrise Courses Meeting rooms

Welcome and Opening

ISMRM President Dan Sodickson has led outstanding efforts forming the new Strategic Plan, highlighting our societies’ roles in a changing world. ESMRMB President Eric Achten offers updates on the European society. All at 5pm in the Plenary Hall.

Add to Calendar06/17/18 17:0006/17/18 17:30Europe/ParisOpening Session Plenary Hall

Mansfield Lecture: Dr. Petra Huppi

Dr. Petra Huppi will present “How Early Life Events Shape Our Brains: An MRI Perspective” at 5:30 pm in the Plenary Hall. Sir Peter Mansfield’s seminal contributions have led to ongoing imaging acceleration that is allowing MRI to characterize the brain earlier and earlier in life. Dr. Huppi will discuss how MRI is helping our understanding of how events during key early periods in life affect our cognitive and emotional development. The understanding is leading to new ideas for treatment of neurodevelopment disorders.

Add to Calendar06/17/18 17:3006/17/18 18:15Europe/ParisMansfield Lecture Plenary Hall

Opening Reception

The Opening Reception from 6:30-8:00 pm is your first chance to visit the Exhibit Hall!


Add to Calendar06/17/18 18:3006/17/18 20:00Europe/ParisOpening Reception Exhibition Hall

Meeting Live & News

Navigating the Paris Meeting

Use the mobile app for quick access, the searchable proceedings, and the program at a glance for a schedule view. Continuous discussions happen on Slack and Twitter. All information is on the  main meeting page.

As a global outreach to our MR community we offer “live streaming” for all sessions in Plenary Hall. Go to Program-At-A-Glance and click the Live Streaming Available link to connect.

SMRT Highlights - Award Winners!

SMRT Research and Clinical Focus Presentations

2nd and 3rd place awardees highlight their work, followed by the SMRT Awards Presentations

Complete SMRT Program Guide

Add to Calendar06/17/18 12:5506/17/18 13:45Europe/ParisSMRT Awardee Presentations S06

Secret Sessions are Back!

Content by trainees, for trainees! More details

Click the home icon, or go to for year-round communication about society meetings, workshops, research and more!

Featured Comments @ISMRM

#ParisMR18 Tweets

Magnetic Moments

Each day we feature 2 of the 10 finalists for the “Magnetic Moments” competition, for which final judging takes place on Thursday

Video#3: Sophie Schauman explains the importance to speed up MRI acquisition time while having richer images and highlights her first step to make it happen using compressed sensing.

Video #4: The MR community is in dire need of faster, more accurate and flexible image. Nadine Graedel unravel the potential use of a model forecasting the gradient’s behaviour in order to make it happen.

The Paris ISMRM-ESMRMB Daily Features is brought to you by the ISMRM WEB committee, and numerous contributors including Agâh Karakuzu (Layout Design), Wally Block, Olivier Girard, Jessica McKay, Atef Badji, Elena Kleban, Pinar Ozbay, Adrienne Campbell-Washburn, Sally Moran, John Celio, and Brian Hargreaves.