Diffusion MRI


In biological tissue, for a very short time scale (a few ms), the diffusion of the water molecules can be described as:

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Which of the following statements is true about the diffusion of water molecules in the brain, over a timescale of roughly 50 ms?

Please select 2 correct answers

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Which parameter should be changed to increase the diffusion length/displacement?

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How will the log of the diffusion weighted signal change if the diffusion sensitizing gradient strength is doubled?

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What is the relationship between the b-value and the resolution in q-space?

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How is the signal intensity drift in dMRI data corrected?

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When correcting for subject motion in diffusion MRI data, which processing step should be included to prevent a bias?

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How does the size of a tract passing close by the grey matter or the ventricles determine the extent of the confound caused by partial voluming, for statistics computed for the entire tract volume?

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For which of the following studies is TBSS likely to be unreliable?

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How often does more than one fiber orientation occupy a voxel in a diffusion MRI acquisition with 2 mm isotropic voxel size?

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What is the recommended step size and the order of interpolation for tractography?

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What is the main drawback of probabilistic tracking?

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Which structures will be over-represented if the tractography is seeded from every voxel in the brain white matter?

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The seeding bias can be overcomed by:

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Diffusion MRI
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