Special MRM Highlights feature: RRSG roundtable discussion on the MR Raw Data format (MRD/ISMRMD), with Adrienne Campbell-Washburn and Michael Hansen


Organized as a video podcast in collaboration with the ISMRM Reproducible Research Study Group (RRSG), the February 2022 MRM Highlights feature takes the form of a roundtable discussion. Members of the RRSG organizing committee spoke with Adrienne Campbell-Washburn from the National Institute of Health and Michael Hansen from Microsoft about the MR Raw Data format (MRD, aka ISMRMRD): how it was created, how it can be and has been used, and what you can do to help with the project. MRD, originally published in MRM (paper link), is an open-source (GitHub link) common raw data format that encapsulates all the information needed from an MRI experiment in order to reconstruct images from raw data.

To discuss this feature, please visit our Discourse forum.

Adrienne Campbell (NIH/NHLBI)
Michael Hansen (Microsoft)
Nikola Stikov (RRSG Chair)
Francesco Santini (RRSG Vice-chair)
Shaihan Malik (RRSG Secretary)
Florian Knoll (RRSG Past-chair)
Efrat Shimron (RRSG Trainee Representative)
Mathieu Boudreau (MRM Highlights Editor)

The following resources are mentioned in the podcast:
The MRM paper, “ISMRM Raw Data format: proposed standard for MRI raw datasets”.
The MRD GitHub project page
MRD Documentation
The comic mentioned at some point in the discussion

For those who would like to get a quick overview of our discussion, below is an annotated version of the interview. Clicking on the timestamp will take you to the exact video location where the topic is discussed.

00:00: Introduction

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Lars Kasper
2 years ago

Great discussion, thank you for organizing it, RRSG!

We’re also big supporters of MRD, recently published a ultra-high field fMRI dataset with it, which contains sub-mm single shot spirals and magnetic field monitoring data.


MRD really gives the flexibility to include all that and accurately specify our custom setup.