President’s Corner #40: Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Reflections on Our Annual Meeting


Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Reflections on Our Annual Meeting

Smiles. That’s my enduring memory from this year’s annual meeting in Toronto—countless smiles that lit up the atmosphere. After the stormy clouds of the pandemic had cleared, it felt like the sun had finally returned to bless the ISMRM/ISMRT, and our meeting regained its former vibrancy. The joy of meeting in person again was palpable, as attendees shared their excitement about reconnecting. As the incoming President, my schedule limited my attendance at scientific sessions, but as I scuttled between meetings, I encountered smiling faces on escalators who raved about the fantastic meeting. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to Niv Agarwal and Brian Hargreaves for their exceptional leadership of the Annual Meeting Program Committee and their remarkable work.

However, amidst the rainbows, we also had our share of rain (and even a few tears!). Our beloved Roberta made the bittersweet announcement of stepping down from her role as Executive Director. In what will forever be remembered as one of the most powerful 2 minutes in ISMRM’s history (watch it at 51:00 here), Roberta, as the “Face on the other side of the scan,” reminded us all why we dedicate ourselves to this work every day. As our most recent Silver Medal Awardee, Roberta gracefully passed the torch to Anne-Marie Kahrovic, who the Board unanimously appointed as our interim Executive Director. Our Society is in exceptional hands! And, in her own words, Roberta is embarking on her soul work. I am delighted to share that Roberta will be leading the ISMRM-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation initiative.

Speaking of accolades, medals, and awards, there are countless individuals within our Society who deserve recognition. However, with over 8,000 members from 58 countries, we are all unique. While some of us naturally step forward when award opportunities arise, others may need a helping hand to take that first step. PLEASE be that helping hand! Let’s look beyond the “usual suspects” and consider deserving candidates based on their merit, irrespective of job, gender, or geography. It may take a few hours of your time to write a compelling letter of nomination or support, but the impact it will have on the recipient will last a lifetime. Be the person who helps others receive the recognition they deserve, and together, let’s get more Fellows and medals shining around our world!

You can find detailed information about the nomination process, (including the deadline of 1st August for Senior Fellows and Medals) on the Member Announcements page.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and stay tuned for the next blog when I’ll talk more about “Democratising MRI”!

With my warmest regards,