Singapore 2024: Abstracts … Almost There!


Singapore 2024: Abstracts … Almost There!

As 08 November approaches, I hope those last scans, last data analyses, and of course those crazy last-minute ideas work out so you can share some of the finest interdisciplinary science in the world. Here are a few comments to help you with the final preparation—and a request for you and your colleagues to sign up to review!

Please note again the new synopsis & impact format, for which we have provided substantial guidance, including examples. Also note the preview figure, as mentioned in the instructions; this should relay the idea or research area in a few seconds (see examples below) without the need to zoom. The preview figure is NOT included in the review but is to communicate with the conference attendees in the Program-at-a-Glance and digital poster guides to help them sort through abstracts to quickly understand the ideas.

I also recommend the virtual seminar, “How to Get Your Abstract Accepted at an ISMRM Meeting,” where former program chairs, Doug Noll, Nicole Seiberlich, and Niv Agarwal, discussed their thoughts on how to write a good abstract. Nothing here has changed—the primary goal is to clearly communicate what you’ve done so that your great research reaches a broader audience.

And a final reminder on categories: remember that you can choose a primary and secondary category/sub-category pair, as most of our work easily fits into two or more sub-categories. This year, we will assign reviewers based on both primary and secondary selections, which will improve the reviewer matching and provide a more thorough review of your work.

Speaking of reviewers, we aim to assign 5 reviewers to each of about 6000 abstracts, with about 30-50 abstracts per reviewer. This means we need 800-1000 reviewers, a few hundred more than we currently have. We will include both experienced and new reviewers, so please sign up here (top right) now!

I wish you all the best as you finish your abstracts. The reviewers are eagerly awaiting a chance to see your finest work!

Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D.
2024 Annual Meeting Program Chair

Here are some ideas for Preview Figures, taken from journal graphical abstracts (and in some cases, simplified more). They do not need a title, as they will always be printed with the abstract title: